Virtual Reality Mindfulness in Perinatal Mental Health Clinic: A Mixed
Methodology Review
Mental health contributes to 10% of maternal deaths. Suicide is the
second highest cause of death in women between 6 weeks and 1 year after
the end of their pregnancy [(1)](#ref-0001). Non-pharmacological
techniques can be used to improve maternal mental health. Abera et al
demonstrated improvements in maternal mental health and pregnancy
outcomes through the use of relaxation techniques [(2)](#ref-0002).
Virtual reality (VR) creates a three-dimensional environment that a user
interacts with using a headset and handheld controls. VR technology is a
promising new option in improving mental health [(3)](#ref-0003).
However, VR is a novel concept in maternal mental health and as such,
there is a paucity of evidence supporting its use. The two published
reports demonstrate that whilst VR can improve anxiety and stress during
pregnancy, there may be certain patient groups who are
disproportionately marginalised by this technology [(4,
5)](#ref-0004). This is the first work looking at VR in the perinatal
mental health (PNMH) outpatient setting. This research letter proposes
VR mindfulness as a novel and accessible way for maternity services to
improve PNMH outcomes, patient satisfaction and increase clinic
attendance across a range of services.