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Gendered Dimensions of Human Trafficking in the Context of COVID-19
  • Nisha Gupta
Nisha Gupta
Sharda University

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The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified existing social inequalities and created new vulnerabilities, particularly for marginalized groups. Among the most affected are women and girls, who have historically been the primary victims of human trafficking. This paper investigates the gendered dimensions of human trafficking in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, exploring how the crisis has led to shifts in trafficking patterns, increased exploitation through digital platforms, and exacerbated socioeconomic vulnerabilities. Drawing on a range of sources, including academic literature, reports from international organizations, and case studies, the paper provides a comprehensive analysis of how the pandemic has intensified the trafficking of women and girls. Additionally, the paper evaluates the effectiveness of policy responses and the challenges faced in implementing gendersensitive approaches to combat trafficking. The findings underscore the need for more robust, coordinated efforts to address the specific vulnerabilities of women and girls in the postpandemic era, emphasizing the importance of integrating gender perspectives into antitrafficking policies and practices.