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Xudong Guo

and 8 more

Background: Rapid detection of pathogens is important for the timely control of outbreaks, especially for respiratory infectious diseases that are prone to spread and outbreaks. Methods: In this work, we developed a sensitive reverse transcription recombinase-aided amplification (RT-RAA) assay for the rapid detection of six common respiratory viruses including respiratory syncytial virus type A (RSVA), influenza A virus (Flu A), influenza B virus (Flu B), human parainfluenza virus (HPIV), SARS-CoV-2 and adenovirus (ADV). The nucleic acid standards and pharyngeal swab samples were used to test the sensitivity, specificity, reliability of the established RAA assay. Results: The assay could be completed within 20 minutes at 39℃ using a portable built-in power device. The detection limits for the six viruses were all less than 1000 copies/mL and reached 10 copies/mL for ADV. Excellent specificity was demonstrated by cross-testing with 21 different pathogen nucleic acids. The results of RT-RAA and RT-PCR were consistent in 85 laboratory-conserved pharyngeal swab samples, but RT-RAA was more time-saving and portable. Meanwhile, the RT-RAA assay using the same test procedure for six viruses could allow operators the flexibility to select the number of samples and pathogens to be detected in one test. Conclusions: This portable, sensitive and reliable RT-RAA assay for rapid detection of multiple respiratory viruses could be applied to health resource-poor areas and outbreak sites.