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Investigation of various therapeutic approaches and advertisement of their applications in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis
  • +3
  • Leila Haji Maghsoudi,
  • Haleh Pak,
  • Kiarash Pourkazem,
  • Armin Tajik,
  • Zahra Jamalpour,
  • Javad Zebarjadi Bagherpour
Leila Haji Maghsoudi
Alborz University of Medical Sciences
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Haleh Pak
Alborz University of Medical Sciences
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Kiarash Pourkazem
Alborz University of Medical Sciences
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Armin Tajik
Alborz University of Medical Sciences
Author Profile
Zahra Jamalpour
Alborz University of Medical Sciences
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Javad Zebarjadi Bagherpour
Alborz University of Medical Sciences

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Background: Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis is common in Asian countries, particularly during the childbearing years. Aims: Multiple approaches have been suggested, including medical management and surgical intervention, but there is no consensus among experts regarding the preferred approach for patients with granulomatous mastitis. Methods: The study was a retrospective cohort study, the patient’s file was examined with the diagnosis of granulomatous mastitis. All patients underwent tissue examination before treatment. Different therapeutic approaches were examined. The negative pathology of the patients for breast malignancies, or other types of mastitis and the final diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis according to the para clinic, were principal conditions for admission in our study. The sample size is 44 people, due to the rarity of the disease and the limited number of samples to be studied, sampling was carried out by the census method of all IGM patients who were referred to the selected training and treatment centers Results: The average age of the individuals was 37.43 ± 08.7 The most common presentation was in the form of a mass in 26 patients (77%), and 26 patients (59.1%) had a history of recent pregnancy and lactation, while 16 patients (36.4%) were using OCP (Oral Contraceptive Pills). Ultimately, 27 patients (61.4%) were in remission, and 6 patients (13.6%) experienced a relapse after 6 months. Only the previous treatment showed a significant association with complete remission, while involvement on the opposite side showed a significant association with disease relapse after 6 months. Conclusion: In the present study, it was found that the most common symptom among patients was the occurrence of a mass. Furthermore, it was determined that the type of treatment and symptoms did not have a significant impact on the treatment outcome in terms of relapse or remission. The only significant association observed was between previous treatment with disease remission and the bilateral nature of symptoms with disease relapse.