and 2 more

Incidence of mucormycosis was increased during COVID pandemic mainly during 2 nd wave. Study was done to find Clinical, Epidemiological profile of COVID associated Mucormycosis patients in a Tertiary care hospital in COVID 2 nd wave . To describe clinical profile , causes, risk factors symptoms, signs & microbiological features of COVID associated Mucormycosis. Biopsy samples collected from patients admitted from May 2021 to August 2021and collected their history of COVID symptoms, treatment taken and their biopsy samples were sent to laboratory and were analyzed using Potassium hydroxide mount and culture on Sabaraud’s Dextrose Agar , Dichloran Rose Bengal agar plates and Lactophenol cotton blue results were noted .Out of 101 patients,75 males, 26 females.71 patients were on steroid treatment for COVID. 45 patients were denovo of diabetes mellitus ,56 were chronic diabetic. 24 patients had vision loss, 64 had periorbital edema, 56 had facial pain , 15 had loss of eye movements ,14 had hard palate necrosis, each patient having one or more signs. . On KOH mount , we got 55 broad aseptate hyphae, 8 narrow aseptate hyphae,3 yeasts. In 7 samples, no fungal elements were seen.28 were KOH positive & culture negative. On Culture , Rhizopus species was isolated in 43 , Aspergillus species were isolated in 8, Candida species was isolated 3 , Demeticious fungi in 1& “ no growth” in 40 . . High clinical suspicion, prompt diagnosis, and early initiation of medical & surgical intervention are required are essential for successful outcome.