Electrical Engineering
Shahir D Dukhan is a talented young individual who strives for perfection whenever he is
presented with a project, assignment or task. His positive outlook and scholarly nature
increases his productivity and his performance in the workplace is phenomenal and leaves
some astonished. He always devoted his life to continuous learning and he consistently finds
ways to upgrade his skills. Mr. Dukhan also enjoys interacting with his colleagues however his
professionalism is praiseworthy as he remains focused on his ambitions and goals while he
keeps the best interests of the company or entity in mind. He also mentors and assists his
coworkers with tasks which are viewed as complicated or difficult. He is determined and the perseverance in his mind allows him to achieve anything in
life. This recipient can tackle any challenges that he is faced with as he always analyses all the
risks involved in the decision making process. His efficiency and passion for his job allows him to
climb the corporate ladder rapidly which shall help him improve in the workplace.
University of Johannesburg