Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the detection of Coronal Mass
Ejections from space. The discovery and subsequent observations of
thousands of events from a stream of coronagraph telescopes marked a
paradigm shift of our view of the corona, from a physical system
changing gradually over a solar cycle, to a system marked with explosive
transient activity on timescales from seconds to days to months. Thanks
to coronagraphs, and more recently EUV imagers, Space Weather
forecasting and research have become strong research areas within the
Heliophysics discipline. adding to that, the transients and even the
more quiescent background wind can now be imaged directly in the inner
heliosphere thanks to the advent of heliospheric imaging since the
mid-2000s. The recent deployment of the Parker Solar Probe and Solar
Orbiter missions ushers a new era of coronal/heliospheric imaging from
widely varying vantage points along with future missions, such as PUNCH,
and operational mission at the L1 and L5 point. It is, therefore, an
appropriate time to take stock of the lessons learned from the decades
of imaging of the solar wind, both quiescent and transient. In this
talk, I review those lessons/learned and discuss where to go next.