A short poem to imagine the “essence” of water as it circulates
through the Earth universe, synergistically supporting all environments
and living ecosystems, forming, and shaping land and life. The poem
links key elements of the interactive global water cycle and
international programs to sustainably manage natural, and socioeconomic
resources, given the challenge of climate change. The poem in awareness
of: –Essential Water Variables (EWVs) of the Group on Earth
Observations (GEO) Global Water Sustainability (GEOGLOWS) initiative;
–Earth Observations (EO) for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (EO4WEF)
community activity; –UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs),
–UNFCCC–Climate Change The poem hopes to bring water to the forefront
of consciousness. Readers are invited to comment on the intangible
“feelings” evoked by the poem.