• Nitrogen is the main component of the atmosphere, a key nutrient for
organisms, and exerts con- trol over climate via direct warming, as N2O,
and indirect effects, including pressure-broadening • Previous models
linked N to C, and typically only considered biologic or geologic fluxes
in detail, focusing on sedimentary rocks. These studies suggest
atmospheric mass steady over Earth history, which does not match new
geochemical and physical paleobarometers • New approach is to more
completely include biologic and geologic fluxes, and link N behavior to
PO4 and O2 abundance through time • This approach is consistent with
large-scale changes in atmospheric mass through time, up to 3 present
atmospheric masses of nitrogen (1 PAN = 4 × 10^18 kg N) supporting
geochemical proxies that indicate atmospheric drawdown through time