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I’m Alberto Montanari, Editor-in-Chief of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) journal Water Resources Research, here to talk about the science and management of water resources. Ask Me Anything!
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I am Alberto Montanari, Professor of Water Resources Management at the University of Bologna - Italy, and Editor-in-Chief of Water Resources Research (WRR), an interdisciplinary journal published by AGU focusing on hydrology and water resources celebrating its 50th this year! WRR is addressing challenging questions for humanity: How is water best managed? How can we secure water all over the world? Is there enough water to feed an ever increasing population? What about the potential impacts of climate change on water resources? How will extreme floods and drought change in the future? Water scientists are addressing these issues in many ways, including using satellites to estimate global water availability and understand how water can be best distributed, and studying the so-called “virtual water trade”, or the virtual displacement of water obtained by exporting food. A Special Collection of WRR looks back on 50 years of research activity in this area and provides a perspective for future research focusing on water systems for the development and benefit of society. Visit the site of WRR here: http://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/agu/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1944-7973/ I hope to answer lots of interesting questions about water science and management. I will be back to answer your questions at 12 pm ET (9 am PT, 5 pm UTC), ask me anything!