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Gender and Racial Disparities in Pain Management---A Differentiation Diagnosis
  • Megan Yu
Megan Yu
University of Virginia

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Abstract: Given that incoming physicians are required to uphold the Hippocratic Oath as they embark on their medical journey, it is expected that they should treat patients to the best of their abilities. Recent biomedical and social science research; however, has demonstrated that gender and racial bias may be playing a subtle yet critical role in the medical decision making process that is affecting the care that many patients deserve. While many of the biological differences among different groups of people of various diseases have been delineated, further research is needed to evaluate how these biological differences are being translated into gender and racial stereotypes in the minds of physicians and how resources that promote the health of all genders and races could be better distributed in order to improve the quality of life of all patients possible.