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Science AMA Series: We’re scientists and doctors researching nano medicine, Ask Us Anything!
  • nanomedicines ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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Hi Reddit we are scientists from Toronto/Boston working on improving the use of nanomedicine in the clinic. If you’re curious about our list of credentials: Shawn Stapleton PhD, Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital, who’s currently looking to transition into faculty. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shawn_Stapleton https://www.linkedin.com/in/staplet David Jaffray PhD, Senior Scientist and Director of the TECHNA Institute, University Health Network and University of Toronto. https://www.uhnresearch.ca/researcher/david-jaffray http://technainstitute.com/people/david-jaffray/ Michael Milosevic MD, Clinician and Scientist, University of Toronto and Princess Margaret Cancer Center. https://www.uhnresearch.ca/researcher/michael-f-milosevic http://www.radonc.utoronto.ca/content/michael-milosevic Our collaborative research focuses on using imaging, mathematical modeling and physiological/molecular measurements of the tumor microenvironment to understand where nanomedicines end up in a tumour. We are using this knownledge to (1) develope strategies to improve nanomedicine drug delivery to tumours; and (2) develop new clinically relevant imaging methods to help guide drug delivery in patients. Ultimately we’d like to be able to use imaging methods like CT, MRI, or PET to bring drug delivery to the same level of precision achieved with radiation therapy and surgery. We’ve recently published a review describing how radiation can be used to improve nanomedicine drug delivery to tumors, leading to improved tumor response. The manuscript, titled “Radiation effects on the tumor microenvironment: Implications for nanomedicine delivery. ”, can be found in Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews . Check it out! http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169409X16301818 This is exciting area of research that will allow us to use clinical methods, such as radiotherapy, to guide where nanoparticles go in the tumor AND increase local drug concentrations without increasing toxicity. We are here to answer your questions about drug delivery, nanomedicine, imaging, radiotherapy, oncology, the pains/pleasures of research, transitioning to/making it in academia, why Toronto is an exciting for biomedical research, and more! Ask US Anything!