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Taking your Science to ‘the Public’: Meaningful Engagement with a General Audience
  • Richard de Grijs,
  • Jie Na
Richard de Grijs
East Asian Regional Office of Astronomy for Development (EA-ROAD), International Astronomical Union

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Jie Na
Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
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With increasing emphasis on converting funding into high-‘impact’ research, dissemination of cutting-edge scientific results to a general audience is becoming ever more important. Yet, public engagement is not something one can easily do ‘on the side;’ effective communication with a general audience requires careful planning and an awareness of audience perception. Here we focus on techniques that are useful in the context of giving oral presentations. We provide a concise set of 10 practical recommendations and specifically address techniques to get your message across to a lay audience.