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Science AMA Series: We are Jack Ingraham, Jevon Truesdale, and Richard Matt of Qico and we are looking to transform cremation technology from Fire to Water. AUA!
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  • r/Science AMAs

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Hello Reddit. As mentioned above, we are Jack, Jevon and Richard. We are Qico. While we aim to transition the funeral services industry to our water based cremation service, what brought us together is the goal to bring sustainability and innovation into an otherwise overlooked industry. Current fire based cremation is responsible for the incineration of Millions of BTUs of Natural Gas and thousands of pounds of Mercury every year. Our water based process, scientifically known as alkaline hydrolysis, looks to put an end to this. Wondering just how we are going to build the darn things led us into the world of IoT technology. Using robots to build robots and extending the IoT benefits to the end product. The result is replacing the current old world technology hooked up to a gas line with a future ready, ecologically friendly technology wirelessly hooked up to the cloud. We have found that when people understand the ecological benefits of water cremation they prefer it to fire. But most people don’t know much about it, if anything at all. We want to expose water based cremation to the public, and give you all a chance to ask whatever questions you have. Qicoinc.com *We are finished. Thanks to those who asked questions. Everything has been answered within our responses below. If anyone has further questions feel free to send us a message. *