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Science AMA Series: Hello! We are Greg Mandt and Steve Goodman from NOAA’s GOES-R team. We are excited to talk about this state-of-the-art satellite, set to launch in less than 30 days! Ask us anything!
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Hi redditors! We are Greg Mandt, System Program Director for NOAA’s GOES-R satellite series, and Dr. Steve Goodman, GOES-R Senior Scientist. Together, we have worked with our team to plan, develop, and launch NOAA’s GOES-R, a revolutionary new geostationary weather satellite! We cannot wait to see it launch atop its Atlas V 541 rocket and make its way to geostationary orbit. GOES-R is scheduled to head to space in less than 30 days—leaving Earth at 5:40pm EDT on November 4, 2016. GOES-R, or GOES-16 as it will be known once it reaches orbit, will provide five times faster weather coverage, more accurate data for hurricane tracking and intensity forecasts, real-time mapping of total lightning for improved severe weather prediction, advanced warning of space weather hazards, and improved transportation safety– all from ONE satellite! Want to know more about the mission, the satellite, the launch, or the science behind it all? We are here today to discuss all things GOES-R! Thank you everyone! We appreciate all of the questions. If you would like more information on the launch, please visit www.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES-R You can learn more about the GOES-R satellite series and see the countdown to launch here!