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Science AMA series: I’m Phil Baran, and I’m here to talk about our work at the Baran Laboratory where we try to simplify the way molecules are created. I’m also a MacArthur Fellow “genius grant recipient”. AMA!
  • Phil-Baran ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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I’m Phil Baran and I teach Organic Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute. I also head the Baran Laboratory, a vibrant and passionate team of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars vigorously trying to uncover Chemistry’s many hidden secrets in the pursuit of useful reactions that can simplify the way molecules are created in the lab. In a nutshell, we like to pursue problems whose solution can have a rapid impact in areas that are important to modern society such as the invention of new pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, or materials. Our general philosophy to making complex molecules in the laboratory has been summarized in multiple locations but suffice it to say we are aiming for syntheses that are as close to “ideal” as possible. With regards to inventing methodologies we like to focus on tangible and practical ways of forging bonds that are meaningful to as many folks as possible. In that regard, we are most enthusiastic about solving specific unmet needs in reactivity that have a high likelihood of being “translational”. Finally, we like to collaborate as much as possible with industry as the fastest return on tax payer money happens when fundamental science and real-world problems come face to face. To learn more about our research, check out our Blog, Open Flask (http://openflask.blogspot.comhttp://openflask.blogspot.com/), our website (http://www.scripps.edu/baran/html/home.html), or follow us on Twitter (@baranlabreads). When I was awarded the MacArthur Fellowship (aka “genius grant”) in 2013, they said that I my research “is not only enhancing our ability to make fundamental structures for a broad range of medicines and materials, but is also strengthening the intellectual foundations of organic chemistry.” https://www.macfound.org/fellows/884/ I was on earlier today, Monday, February 13, to answer your questions, and will pop in intermittently later to answer some more, if you’d like to go ahead and keep asking. So ask me anything!