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AAAS 2017 Annual Meeting AMA Series: Hi, we’re David Scholnik, Patricia Brennan, and Brian Baird and we value silly, odd, or obscure-sounding scientific research. Ask us anything!
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  • r/Science AMAs

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Hi reddit! Misunderstood or “silly sounding” research is often much more than it seems. We are interested in creative ways to explain the value of esoteric work in the face of public or political scrutiny. We are always looking to help scientists who work in controversial, odd, or obscure areas of research. Ask us anything about the kind of research we try to highlight, the scientists we try to support, and how “silly-sounding” science can lead to societal benefits. We (David Scholnik of Pacific University, Patricia Brennan of Mount Holyoke College, and Brian Baird, former United States Representative from Washington) are looking forward to answering your questions about the ways that individual scientists, their institutions, and the scientific community at large can work together to speak up for science, such as the Golden Goose Award, which recognizes silly, odd, or obscure-sounding research that has returned serious benefits to society. Patricia Brennan tweets as @sexinnature. Check out my research in the XX files at Science: My science is basic science We’ll be back at 1 pm to answer your questions! Ask us anything!