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Science AMA Series: We are Jimmy O’Dea and Josh Goldman, here to talk about self-driving cars and what the science says about their potential impacts on our economy and environment. AUA!
  • ConcernedScientists ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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Hi Reddit: we are two researchers at the Union of Concerned Scientists. We work on a variety of transportation issues, including how self-driving cars will impact our economy and environment. We just published a short report that outlines seven “principles” for autonomous vehicles, meant as a basic guide for shaping how policymakers, companies, and other stakeholders approach this transformative technology. We want to ensure that self-driving cars create a clean and safe transportation system for everyone. Josh Goldman is a senior policy analyst at UCS, where he has led analytical and policy efforts on vehicle electrification, biofuels, and fuel economy; he previously worked for the EPA, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Jimmy O’Dea is a vehicles analyst at UCS, where he works on vehicle and freight policy. Dr. O’Dea holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and worked for Senator Brian Schatz during a AAAS Science & Engineering Congressional Fellowship. Ok, that’s it for us (~3:08pm eastern). This was great! Thank you.