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ACS AMA: Hi Reddit! My name is Johannes Richers. I am a scientist and a designer. Ask me anything about the visual communication of scientific data.
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[ACS AMA](file http://imgur.com/hoKm4RT) Hello Reddit! I am a chemical scientist and a designer. I combine PhD-level scientific knowledge with years of experience in graphic design to develop attractive design solutions with high scientific accuracy. I do this, because I think it is important to communicate research elegantly and efficiently. Here’s my background: I obtained my BS and MS in chemistry from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. I studied abroad at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia and worked as a research intern with the Schlumberger Research Centre Cambridge, United Kingdom. In 2012, I joined the group of Konrad Tiefenbacher at the chair of organic chemistry at TUM for my doctoral studies in the field of organic chemistry. In 2016, I was selected to participate in the SciFinder Future Leaders program as part of a diverse group of 26 researchers from across the globe. Here I realized that I would like to build my future by combining my two passions: chemistry and design. Following this route, I moved to Berlin to start an independent career as a graphic designer for scientists. Please find more information and examples of my work over here: www.jorichers.com and on twitter: @JoRichers Ask me anything about science visualization, cover designs, and illustrations. In particular, if you face a specific visualization challenge or want to improve a design, I am happy to give feedback and advice. I’ll be back at 11:00 a.m. EDT (3:00 p.m. UTC) to answer your questions. /edit (11:05 a.m. EDT): Hi reddit! I see a lot of great questions, thank you for you interest! I try to answer as many as I can… /edit (1:25 p.m. EDT): Taking a short break. I will be back soon to answer more questions.