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American Geophysical Union AMA: Hi Reddit, I am Andrew Yau, Editor of Geophysical Research Letters, here to talk about Jupiter and the exciting findings from NASA’s Juno mission. Ask Me Anything!
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I am Andrew Yau, Professor of Physics at University of Calgary, Canada, and Editor of Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), a research journal published by AGU focusing on high-impact scientific advances in all major geoscience disciplines. I am a space scientist. I design satellite instruments such as ion mass spectrometers, and I am interested in the effects of weather in space around the Earth - and other planets. For example, how and why do solar storms cause the heating of the upper atmosphere and its escape into space here on Earth? How about on Venus, Mars, and Jupiter? How does the solar wind produce the aurora, and the associated electrical currents in the ionosphere here on Earth? How about on Jupiter and Saturn, which also have an internal magnetic field? I’ll be back at 12 EDT to answer your questions. Ask Me Anything! The AGU AMA series is conducted by the Sharing Science program. Sharing Science: By scientists, for everyone. More at sharingscience.agu.org. Thanks, everyone, for participating in today’s AMA. It has been great fun – I hope my answers to your questions have provided a glimpse of the exciting scientific discoveries about the largest planet in our Solar System, Jupiter, from the NASA Juno mission. Some of these discoveries were reported in the recent Special Issue of the Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) for Juno. I encourage you to check out the GRL website for these discoveries as well as some even newer ones that are in the pipeline: http://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/issue/10.1002/grl.v44.10/ Sorry I didn’t have a chance to field many of the other questions. Have a great day!