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Hi! I am Andy Kirk, editor of visualisingdata.com and dataviz freelancer doing design consultancy, teaching, writing and dataviz for Arsenal FC - I am delighted to invite you to AMA/Ask Me Anything!
  • Visualisingdata ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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Hello everyone. My name is Andy Kirk and I am a UK-based freelance data visualisation specialist. I do dataviz design consultancy, run training workshops, write books, give talks, undertake research work, lecture at Imperial College and I am the editor of visualisingdata.com. I also provide data visualisation services to the Arsenal FC performance team. You can find me on the web, on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I launched visualisingdata.com at start of 2010 to continue learning, research and writing about the subject. It won (gold, 2015) and lost (silver, 2016) awards at the last two Kantar Information is Beautiful awards event. I tend to be known for my list-making, with my ‘Best of…’ monthly and ’10 most significant developments’ posts quite popular as well as my ‘Little of visualisation design’ #LittleVis series. I also try to compile useful data resources for folks trying to make sense of all the options out there, such as dataviz tools, the chartmaker directory and dataviz books. Since I became a freelance professional in 2011 I have focused, primarily, on providing data visualisation consultancy and training workshops – of which I have delivered over 210 public and private training events across the UK, Europe, North America, India, South Africa and Australia. You can see my past clients listed here. In July 2016, I released my second book entitled “Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design”, published by Sage. So that’s me in text form here’s proof that I am actually me. ** Update @ 6:30pm (BST): I’m back, let’s do this **