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Hi Reddit, I'm Warren Chan of the University of Toronto. Ask me anything about applying nanotechnology to treating cancer and infectious diseases. AMA!
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ACS AMA Hello Reddit! My name is Warren Chan, and I am currently Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Toronto. I also serve as Associate Editor of ACS Nano. I am very much looking forward to my first time participating in Reddit. I obtained my B.S. from University of Illinois in 1996 and a PhD from Indiana University in 2001, both in Chemistry. Then I did my post-doctoral work at the University of California-San Diego in Biomedical Engineering and I joined the faculty at the University of Toronto in 2002 at the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. I am interested in developing nanotechnology for diagnosing and treating cancer and infectious diseases. As a chemist, I learned how to make and design nanomaterials and as I started my independent career, I wanted to focus on applying these materials to the medical field. My interest can span two domains: (a) outside of the body, I am interested in developing handheld nanotechnology devices that can identify biomarkers and link them to diseases. These devices can also measure these biomarkers with a single drop of blood. (b) inside the body, I am interested in figuring out how to deliver nanoparticles to the diseased site. I think the biggest challenge of using nanotechnology is to be able to deliver enough of the medical agent to the site of action. I work with engineers, chemists, biologists, and clinicians to solve these problems. I would like forward to our discussion. Ask me anything about bionanotechnology! I’ll be back at 11am EDT (8am PDT, 3pm UTC) to start answering your questions. It has been awesome chatting with everybody on nanotechnology! I am signing off! Have an awesome day!