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Science AMA Series: Hello, I’m Joe Scherrer. I was an IT and cybersecurity innovator with the U.S. Air Force, and now am director of the cybersecurity initiative at Washington University in St. Louis. AMA!
  • Joe_Scherrer ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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Hello, I’m Joe Scherrer. I spent the first part of my career as an information technology and cybersecurity innovator with the U.S. Air Force, culminating as the commander of the Air Force’s only combat-coded deployable communications wing. Now, I am director of the cybersecurity initiative and program director of graduate studies in information systems management and cybersecurity management at Washington University in St. Louis, where I help to train future leaders in cybersecurity who can deal with the constant threat of security breaches by large organizations. I’ll be back at 3 pm ET to answer your questions, AMA! Edit: Thanks for all of the great questions. I enjoyed this!