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We're filmmakers working on an AI doc that features developments in the self-driving car industry. Ask us anything!
  • Self-Driving-Cars ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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Hello Reddit! We are filmmakers working with NOVA PBS on a film about artificial intelligence entitled NOVA Wonders: Can We Build a Brain. In the course of making the show, we spent a lot of time reporting on self-driving cars. As we’re sure you are aware, there is a lot of hype around autonomous vehicles these days. And, as this week’s accident in Phoenix shows, there is still a ways to go. If you’re interested in when you might see one of these babies in your driveway, the economic/social implications of self-driving cars, or just have general questions about the state of AI, we’ll be back at 12 noon ET to chat, AMA! —Michael Bicks/Anna Lee Strachan, producers of NOVA Wonders: Can We Build a Brain