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Eco-genetic additivity of diploids in allopolyploid wild wheats
  • +2
  • Stella Huynh,
  • Awaiting Activation,
  • Antoine Guisan,
  • Francois Felber,
  • Christian Parisod
Stella Huynh
University of Bern

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Awaiting Activation
, University of Lausanne
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Antoine Guisan
University of Lausanne
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Francois Felber
Musée et Jardins botaniques cantonaux de Lausanne et Pont-de-Nant
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Christian Parisod
University of Bern
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Underpinnings of the distribution of allopolyploid species (hybrids with duplicated genome) along spatial and ecological gradients are elusive. As allopolyploid speciation combines the range of genetic and ecological characteristics of divergent diploids, allopolyploids initially show their additivity and are predicted to evolve differentiated ecological niches to establish in face of their competition. Here, we use four diploid wild wheats that differentially combined into four independent allopolyploid species to test for such additivity and assess the impact of ecological constraints on species ranges. Divergent genetic variation from diploids being fixed in heterozygote allopolyploids supports their genetic additivity. Spatial integration of comparative phylogeography and modeling of climatic niches supports ecological additivity of locally adapted diploid progenitors into allopolyploid species which subsequently colonized wide ranges. Allopolyploids fill suitable range to a larger extent than diploids and conservative evolution following the combination of divergent species appears to support their expansion under environmental changes.
26 Nov 2019Submitted to Ecology Letters
26 Nov 2019Submission Checks Completed
26 Nov 2019Assigned to Editor
27 Nov 2019Reviewer(s) Assigned
23 Dec 2019Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
29 Dec 2019Editorial Decision: Accept