The mechanical properties of biofilms can be used to predict biofilm
deformation, for example under fluid flow. We used magnetic tweezers to
spatially map the compliance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
at the micron scale, then used modeling to assess its effects on biofilm
deformation. Biofilms were grown in capillary flow cells with Reynolds
numbers (Re) ranging 0.28 to 13.9, bulk dissolved oxygen (DO)
concentrations from 1 mg/L to 8 mg/L, and bulk calcium ion
(Ca2+) concentrations of 0 and 100 mg
CaCl2/L. Higher Re numbers resulted in more uniform
biofilm morphologies. The biofilm was stiffer at the center of the flow
cell than near the walls. Lower bulk DO led to more stratified biofilms.
Higher Ca2+ led to increased stiffness and more
uniform mechanical properties. Using the experimental mechanical
properties, fluid-structure interaction models predicted up to 64%
greater deformations for heterogeneous biofilms, compared to a
homogeneous biofilms with the same average properties. However, the
error depended on the biofilm morphology and flow regime. Our results
show significant spatial mechanical variability exists at the micron
scale, and that this variability can potentially affect biofilm
deformation. The average mechanical properties, provided in many
studies, should be used with caution when predicting biofilm