Hybridization is a common and important stage in species formation in
plants and animals. The evolutionary consequences of hybridization
depend not only on reproductive compatibility between sympatric species,
but also on factors like vulnerability to each other’s predators and
parasites. We examine infection patterns of the blood parasite
Haemoproteus lophortyx, a causative agent of avian malaria, at a site in
the contact zone between California quail (Callipepla californica) and
Gambel’s quail (C. gambelii). We tested whether species identity, sex,
and year predicted infection status and intensity. While we found no
effect of sex on the status or intensity of infection, we found
differences in infection status and intensity across species and between
years. The prevalence of infection in California and hybrid quail was
lower than in Gambel’s quail. Once infected, however, California and
hybrid quail had higher infection intensities than Gambel’s quail.
California and hybrid quail exhibited no significant differences in
prevalence or intensity of infection. These findings suggest that
infection by H. lophortyx has the potential to influence species barrier
dynamics in this system, however, more work is necessary to determine
the exact evolutionary consequences of this blood parasite.