Active microbial ecosystem in glacier basal ice fuelled by iron and
silicate comminution-derived hydrogen
The basal zone of glaciers is characterised by physicochemical
properties that are distinct from firnified ice because of strong
interactions with underlying substrate. Basal ice ecology and the roles
that the microbiota play in biogeochemical cycling, weathering, and
proglacial soil formation, remains poorly known. We report bacterial
diversity and potential ecological roles at three temperate Icelandic
glaciers. We sampled three physically distinct basal ice facies
(stratified, dispersed, debris bands) and found biological similarities
and differences between them; basal ice character is therefore an
important sampling consideration in future studies. High abundance of
silicates and Fe-containing minerals could sustain the basal ice
ecosystem, in which chemolithotrophic bacteria (~23%),
especially Fe-oxidisers and hydrogenotrophs, can fix C, which can be
utilised by heterotrophs. Methanogenic-affiliated detected sequences
showed that silicate comminution-derived hydrogen can also be utilised
for methanogenesis. Metabolism predicted by 16S rRNA diversity revealed
that methane metabolism and C-fixation are the most common pathways,
indicating the importance of these metabolic routes. Carbon
concentrations were low compared to other ecosystems, but we report the
highest carbon concentration in basal ice to date. Carbon release from
melting basal ice may play an important role in promoting pioneering
communities establishment and soil development in deglaciating