The United Kingdom Thyroid Multi-Disciplinary Team; a National Survey of
Services and Comparison to Guidelines.
Key Points: 1. We have identified ambiguity in the current guidance on
thyroid MDT’s, and have also found nationwide variation in compliance
with this. 2. We recommend: a. All surgeons undertaking thyroid surgery
should complete a minimum of 20 thyroid procedures per year, and this
should also form part of surgeons’ annual appraisal. b. All surgeons
should contribute data to UKRETS (unless prevented by local legal
frameworks) and this should form part of surgeons’ annual appraisal and
be audited by individual MDT’s and regional cancer networks. c. Thyroid
MDT’s should be held weekly where possible, with a minimum frequency of
fortnightly. d. The core membership of a thyroid MDT (stand alone and
joint) should include thyroid surgeons, specialist radiology,
endocrinology, nuclear medicine, nurse specialists, histopathology +/-
cytology and clinical oncology.