Incidence, Pre-hospital Delay and Prognosis of Acute Myocardial
Infarction in Hungary: Population Data from the Hungarian Myocardial
Infarction Registry
Aim: To examine the incidence and treatment of acute myocardial
infarction (AMI) as well as 30-day and 1-year prognoses of patients in
three major regions of Hungary by analysing data from the country’s
continuous and mandated infarction registry. Methods and results: The
total population of Hungary is currently 9.8 million: 39% live in the
eastern region (ER), 31% in the Central region (CR) and 30% in the
western region (WR). These regions exhibited significant differences in
income and people exposed to poverty. Population over 30 years, the
age-standardised incidence of AMI was 177.5 (175.7–179.3) per 100,000
person-year. During hospital treatment, 82.5%–84.6% of patients with
ST-elevation (STEMI) and 54.8%–81.8% without ST-elevation (NSTEMI)
underwent PCI. The total ischaemic time was shortest in WR:221 minutes.
In the STEMI group, the 30-day mortality rates of males were lowest in
the WR (p = 0.03). If PCI was performed, mortality rates for both sexes
were lowest in the WR (p < 0.01; p = 0.04). The 1-year
mortality rate in the male population who received PCI was lowest in the
WR. In the NSTEMI group, the 30-day mortality rate exhibited no
differences. Regarding 1-year mortality, those who underwent PCI in the
WR showed the lowest mortality. Conclusion: The major regions of Hungary
exhibited significant differences regarding the prehospital delay, the
incidence, treatment and mortality of AMI. Logistic regression analysis
confirmed the independent prognostic significance of the region on the
30-day mortality of patients with STEMI (Hazard ratio = 0.88, p =