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Implications of the Unexpected Persistance of Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
  • +1
  • David Champredon,
  • Christina Bancej,
  • Liza Lee,
  • Steven Buckrell
David Champredon
Public Health Agency of Canada

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Christina Bancej
Public Health Agency of Canada
Author Profile
Liza Lee
Public Health Agency of Canada
Author Profile
Steven Buckrell
Public Health Agency of Canada
Author Profile


Stringent public health measures imposed across Canada to control the COVID-19 pandemic have nearly suppressed most seasonal respiratory viruses, with the notable exception of human rhinovirus/enterovirus (hRV/EV). Thanks to this unexpected persistence, we highlight that hRV/EV could serve as a sentinel for levels of contact rate in populations to inform on the efficiency¬, or the need of, public health measures to control the subsequent COVID-19 epidemic, but also for future epidemics from other seasonal or emerging respiratory pathogens.
15 Oct 2021Submitted to Influenza and other respiratory viruses
16 Oct 2021Submission Checks Completed
16 Oct 2021Assigned to Editor
17 Oct 2021Editorial Decision: Accept