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Trust but Verify: A Case of Unintended Medication Omission
  • Andrew Bryant,
  • Stuart Pitman,
  • Juan Lessing
Andrew Bryant
The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

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Stuart Pitman
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Author Profile
Juan Lessing
University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine
Author Profile


An accurate medication history prevents medication errors during transitions of care, whereas an inaccurate medication history may lead to unnecessary tests or prolonged hospitalization. We describe the case of a patient with chronic hypothyroidism who presented to the hospital with severe hypothyroidism and reported strict adherence to her home levothyroxine.
23 Aug 2022Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
24 Aug 2022Submission Checks Completed
24 Aug 2022Assigned to Editor
27 Aug 2022Reviewer(s) Assigned
09 Oct 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
25 Oct 2022Editorial Decision: Accept