A multi-port interconnected magneto-electric dipole antenna array for 5G
This letter reports a 28-GHz multi-port magneto-electric (ME) dipole
array for 5G applications. The proposed antenna array enlarges the
system polarization diversity with the capability of being utilized as a
balanced antenna, a dual-polarized antenna and a circularly polarized
antenna. Co-planar waveguide (CPW) lines are used to connect ME dipole
radiators to achieve a high gain with simple feeding structure. The
proposed antenna array exhibits a -10dB impedance bandwidth of 12.8%
and a maximal peak realized gain of 13.52 dBi as a balanced antenna, and
exhibits a -10dB impedance bandwidth of 28.57%, a 3-dB axial ratio
bandwidth of 16% and a maximal peak realized gain of 12.15 dBi as a
circularly polarized antenna.