SDKT:Similar domain knowledge transfer for multivariate time series
classification tasks
Multivariate time series data classification has a wide range of
applications in reality. With rapid development of deep learning,
convolutional networks are widely used in this task and have achieved
the current best performance. However, due to high difficulty and cost
of collecting this type of data, labeled data is still scarce. In some
tasks, the model shows overfitting, resulting in relatively poor
classification performance. In order to improve the classification
effect under such situation, this paper proposes a novel classification
method based on transfer learning - similar domain knowledge transfer
(call SDKT for short). Firstly, we designed a multivariate time series
domain distance calulation method (call MTSDDC for short), which helped
selecting the source domain that are most similar to target domain;
Secondly, we used ResNet as a pre-trained classifier, transfered the
parameters of the similar domain network to the target domain network
and continued to fine-tune the parameters. To verify our method, we
conducted experiments on several public datasets. Our study has also
shown that the transfer effect from the source domain to the target
domain is highly negatively correlated with the distance between them,
with an average pearson coefficient of -0.78. For the transfer of most
similar source domain, compared to the ResNet model without transfer and
the current best model, the average accuracy improvement on the datasets
we used is 4.01% and 1.46% respectively.