Uniqueness of nodal radial solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations in
the unit ball ∗
In this paper, we study the uniqueness of nodal radial solutions to
nonlinear elliptic equations in the unit ball in R 3 . Under suitable
conditions, we prove that, for any given positive integer k, the
problem we considered has at most one solution possessing exactly
k−1 nodes. Together with the results presented by Nagasaki [J.
Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math. 36 (2): 211–232, 1989] and
Tanaka [Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 138 (6): 1331–1343,
2008], we can prove that more types of nonlinear elliptic equations
have the uniqueness of nodal radial solutions.