Relationship between Response Inhibition and Lactate Levels Following
Acute Resistance Exercise
- Ting-Yu Lin
, - Hao-Chien Cheng,
- Hung-Wen Liu ,
- Tsung-Min Hung

The focus of this research is to investigate the relationship between
lactate induced by exercise and inhibition, a key element of executive
functions. Lactate is vital for neuronal function as both an energy
source and a signalling molecule. The increase in lactate production
during exercise is linked to heightened brain uptake, potentially
impacting cognitive performance. Through a systematic search, 16
relevant studies were identified. Three, employing cognitive tasks akin
to ours, suggested a positive correlation between the changes in
cognitive performance and peripheral lactate. However, these studies
suffered from methodological limitations such as not having proper
non-exercise controls, not manipulating exercise intensity, and having
limited analytical robustness. The current study aims to address these
gaps by analysing the data from a four-arm randomized crossover trial,
incorporating three distinct exercise intensities alongside a control
group, focusing on the potential role of lactate in modulating
inhibition post-exercise.30 Oct 2023Submitted to Psychophysiology 30 Oct 2023Submission Checks Completed
30 Oct 2023Assigned to Editor
30 Oct 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
07 Nov 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned