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Seizure as Initial Manifestation of SLE , CASE REPORT
  • Abdulrahman Khormi,
Abdulrahman Khormi
Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University College of Medicine

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University College of Medicine
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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disorder with variable disease courses and multiple clinical manifestations [1]. The etiology of SLE is not clear, but different environmental (ultraviolet [UV] light, infections, drugs), genetic, and hormonal factors all seem to be involved [1]. Positive family history and history of having other autoimmune illnesses are considered high-risk factors for SLE, but most SLE cases are scattered [1]. The 2019 EULAR/ACR classification criteria for SLE include positive ANA at least once as a mandatory entry criterion; followed by additive weighted standards grouped in seven clinical (constitutional, hematological, neuropsychiatric, serosal, musculoskeletal, renal, mucocutaneous ) and three immunological (antiphospholipid antibodies, complement proteins, SLE-specific antibodies) domains, and weighted from 2 to 10, and patients accumulating ≥10 points are classified to have SLE [2]. Herein, we report this case of neuropsychiatric lupus as it is uncommon and is a severe form of SLE.
25 Feb 2023Submitted to Immunity, Inflammation and Disease
01 Mar 2023Submission Checks Completed
01 Mar 2023Assigned to Editor
01 Mar 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
20 Mar 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
05 Apr 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Major
03 May 20231st Revision Received
10 May 2023Assigned to Editor
10 May 2023Submission Checks Completed
10 May 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
29 May 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
29 May 20232nd Revision Received
31 May 2023Assigned to Editor
31 May 2023Submission Checks Completed
31 May 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
31 May 2023Editorial Decision: Accept
Jun 2023Published in Immunity, Inflammation and Disease volume 11 issue 6. https://doi.org/10.1002/iid3.918