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Brain Drain in the Healthcare Sector: A Silent threat to Public Health in Third World Countries
  • +6
  • Abdulmumin Ibrahim,
  • Aishat Durojaye,
  • Franklyn Chiemekam Opara,
  • Gladys Zugwai IBRAHIM,
  • Theogene Uwizeyimana,
  • Muritala Abdulkadir,
  • Yusuf Babatunde,
  • Abikoye Jesutomini Esther,
Abdulmumin Ibrahim
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Aishat Durojaye
University College Hospital Ibadan
Author Profile
Franklyn Chiemekam Opara
University College Hospital Ibadan
Author Profile
Gladys Zugwai IBRAHIM
University College Hospital Ibadan
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Theogene Uwizeyimana
University of Global Health Equity
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Muritala Abdulkadir
University of Ilorin Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
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Yusuf Babatunde
University of Ilorin Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
Author Profile
Abikoye Jesutomini Esther
Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital Yaba
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National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
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The soaring brain drain in the healthcare sector constitutes a pressing and formidable threat to public health in third-world countries. The increasing interconnectedness of the world has facilitated sharing of ideas and collaborations across borders, benefiting the global population. However, this has also led to the migration of skilled healthcare professionals from low-income countries to more developed nations. This is due to push factors such as the lack of proper healthcare infrastructure, low income, poor working conditions, and limited career opportunities which push healthcare workers to seek better prospects in more developed countries. Pull factors such as better remuneration, working conditions, and career advancement entice them to migrate to these countries. Consequently, the delivery of adequate healthcare services becomes severely compromised, exacerbating existing challenges in achieving public health goals. The impact of this phenomenon extends beyond mere workforce loss. It stifles local education, hinders advancements in medical research, and undermines the overall capacity to combat prevalent health issues. Urgent action is imperative to address this silent crisis. By prioritizing the improvement of domestic healthcare systems, offering competitive incentives for healthcare professionals, and fostering international collaboration, we can effectively mitigate brain drain and strengthen the foundation of public health in third-world countries. This Paper aims to identify the drivers behind brain drain, highlight implications for public health and proffer potential solutions and actionable plans to address this growing concern.
Submitted to Public Health Challenges
29 Feb 20241st Revision Received
05 Mar 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
24 Mar 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
07 Apr 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
09 May 20242nd Revision Received
17 May 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
09 Jun 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
21 Jun 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor