In the global monitoring of smart cities, the demands of global object
detection systems based on cloud and fog computing in intelligent
systems can be satisfied by photographs with globally recognized
properties. Nevertheless, conventional techniques are constrained by the
imaging depth of field and can produce artifacts or indistinct borders,
which can be disastrous for accurately detecting the object. In light of
this, this paper proposes an artificial intelligence-based gradient
learning network that gathers and enhances domain information at
different sizes in order to produce globally focused fusion results.
Gradient features, which provide a lot of boundary information, can
eliminate the problem of border artifacts and blur in multi-focus
fusion. The multiple-receptive module (MRM) facilitates effective
information sharing and enables the capture of object properties at
different scales. In addition, with the assistance of the global
enhancement module (GEM), the network can effectively combine the scale
features and gradient data from various receptive fields and reinforce
the features to provide precise decision maps. Numerous experiments have
demonstrated that our approach outperforms the seven most sophisticated
algorithms currently in use.