Impact of rapid thermal processing on bulk lifetime and surface
recombination velocity of crystalline silicon with passivating tunnel
oxide contacts
We investigate rapid thermal processing (RTP) as alternative to the
prolonged thermal annealing process used to form tunnel-oxide
passivating contacts for silicon solar cells. The thermal treatment is
generally followed by hydrogenation to passivate defects at the Si/SiOx
interface. Whereas industrial manufacturing generally uses Cz wafers,
research is often carried out with FZ wafers. Both types of wafers are
prone to the formation of thermal defects in the bulk. To disentangle
effects of the interface and the bulk, we assess the lifetime at
different steps of the process sequence for both wafer types. We find
that the initial bulk lifetime of our p-type FZ material is
maintained for RTP up to temperatures of about 450°C, followed by a
severe decay and eventually a moderate extent of recovery at
temperatures above 800°C. Compared to FZ material, the initial bulk
lifetimes in our p-type Cz material are slightly lower, but they
are maintained on that level up to about 600°C. Beyond that temperature,
the lifetimes also decay, but to a lesser extent than in the FZ
material, and there is no curing at higher temperatures. Hydrogenation
can partially passivate the bulk defects in FZ material, but the initial
state is not recovered. In Cz material, it appears that RTP creates two
different types of defects; for those created up to 800°C the initial
state can be recovered by hydrogenation whereas those created at higher
temperature cannot be passivated by hydrogenation. We also investigate
the formation of n-type passivating contacts by RTP, and we
fabricate solar cell precursors with a single RTP step and the same
hydrogenation for both contact polarities. After sputtering a
transparent conducting ITO layer on the full area and an Ag
metallization, we achieve solar cells efficiencies up to 20.5%.