Using of extracts from Caryocar Brasiliense Camb . and Spondias Mombin L
. as a natural histological stain
Acid fruits such as hog plum and pequi are used as coloring agents in
popular culture. An experimental study was carried out with the
objective of investigating colorants extracted from fruit peels to color
animal tissues, defining the best concentration for pequi extract at
25% and brisket at 20%. If you select and thin your heart, lung, liver
and kidney tissues according to your group, Group 1: control; Group 2:
ciruela de cerdo extract; Group 3: pequi extract. Groups 2 and 3 formed
three subgroups according to the concentration tests. A qualitative and
quantitative analysis of the fabrics was carried out. The results
demonstrated that extracts of brisket and pequi, in hydroalcoholic
concentrations of 70%, were capable of generating color and allowing
visualization of the tissue architecture, with a yellow tone, especially
in the bristle girdle, tinting the cytoplasm of the tissue