Roadmap for Rebuilding the Health System and Scenarios of Crisis Path in
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The horrific attacks on Gaza have had a profound impact on Gaza's health
system, culminating in a multidimensional crisis. The deliberate
destruction of vital infrastructure, such as hospitals, schools,
housing, and public facilities, coupled with the deaths and injuries of
medical personnel and support workers has only exacerbated the situation
and further highlighted the existing gaps. This unprecedented
catastrophe proves the criticality of adopting a new national inclusive
integrated approach to meeting the immediate and long-term needs of the
population. In this viewpoint, we explore the recovery roadmap features
for rebuilding the health system in Gaza, specifically focusing on
determining the primary challenges that might emerge, the trajectory of
recovery, and the expected crisis scenarios. The existing evidence and
stakeholders' perspectives were synthesized. Despite some local and
international initiatives undertaken to generate a concrete road to
recovery, there remains a need for realistic, innovative, and
comprehensive Marshall plans to rebuild Gaza's health system. The
analysis draws on insights and gaps in current efforts and underscores
the urgent need to address the challenges of rebuilding the health
system. The authors strive to offer an inclusive and realistic path with
the potential scenarios toward recovery and resilience considering the
mass levels of loss and damage, and ways to move forward for building
back a resilient health system in Gaza.12 Aug 2024Submitted to International Journal of Health Planning and Management 13 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
13 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
13 Aug 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
18 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
05 Oct 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
07 Oct 20241st Revision Received
07 Oct 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
07 Oct 2024Submission Checks Completed
07 Oct 2024Assigned to Editor
08 Oct 2024Editorial Decision: Accept