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Operation resilience assessment of distribution networks based on voltage sag recorded data
  • +2
  • Yifei Chen,
  • Zixuan Zheng,
  • Xianyong Xiao,
  • Wenxi Hu,
  • Yunzhu Chen
Yifei Chen
Sichuan University
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Zixuan Zheng
Sichuan University
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Xianyong Xiao
Sichuan University
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Wenxi Hu
Sichuan University

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Yunzhu Chen
Sichuan University
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Voltage sags are one of the primary factors in power quality issues that lead to losses for sensitive users and reduce the operation resilience of distribution networks. However, due to the lack of accessibility in sensitive users' production information, accurately quantifying the resilience of distribution networks under the impact of voltage sags is challenging. In this letter, we first define an operation resilience index using a trapezoidal curve. Considering the varying tolerance levels of sensitive users to voltage sags, a feature indices system is estabilished using the adaptive S-transform, and a sample dataset is generated through the Monte Carlo method. Finally, we establish a mapping relationship between sag characteristics and operation resilience indices using the XGBoost-Stacking algorithm. This data-physics hybrid-driven model offers a quantitative approach for developing resilience enhancement strategies.
16 Aug 2024Submitted to Electronics Letters
21 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
21 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
21 Aug 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
21 Aug 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned