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The Restoration Strategy for Multiple Faults in Active Distribution Networks Considering Road-Network Coupling
  • +1
  • Weiyan Liu,
  • Hengyu Liu,
  • Zhe Hu,
  • Yanhong Luo
Weiyan Liu
Northeastern University
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Hengyu Liu
Shenyang University of Technology
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Zhe Hu
State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co Ltd
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Yanhong Luo
Northeastern University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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This brief investigates the multi-point fault repair problem in active distribution networks, establishing resilience assessment metrics and constructing a fault repair mathematical model with road network coupling. An improved genetic algorithm is proposed, utilizing a comparison crossover operator and population information entropy. Compared to traditional algorithms, the comparison crossover operator preserves high-quality genes, while population information entropy maintains diversity, preventing the algorithm from converging on local optima. Simulation analysis demonstrates that the proposed fault repair method can restore normal power supply to distribution network lines within a short period and offers significant advantages in fault repair tasks.
22 Aug 2024Submitted to Electronics Letters
30 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
30 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
30 Aug 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
27 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned