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Challenge and Support: Scaffolding the Practicing Therapist in DP Supervision
  • Vidar Husby
Vidar Husby
Universitetet i Oslo

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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While consensus on the importance of deliberate practice (DP) in psychotherapy increases, clarification of key elements in DP supervision is yet to be seen. An international collaboration between researchers, authors, supervisors, and therapists has proposed a method for DP supervision and created a training program for DP supervisors. This has led to a six-step overview model for DP and the DP Supervisor Competency Rating Scale (Vaz, Rousmaniere and Husby, 2023). DP in the context of supervision has concrete steps and requires specific supervisor skills. This article illustrates these with a case study consisting of twelve sessions with a supervisee that is a seasoned clinical psychologist and a trained DP supervisor. Annotated session transcripts provide a step-by-step qualitative representation of the collaborative process in identifying client challenge, therapist deficit and actionable learning goals as well as the in-session behavioral rehearsal. The article presents the DP-supervision overall trajectory, as well as both supervisee´s and supervisor´s input on the process. It discusses the importance of integrating conceptual, conditional, and procedural knowledge in therapist development, and claims that the same is true for DP-supervisor development. Finally, the need for empirical investigation of the proposed key elements in DP supervision is emphasized.
24 Nov 2024Submitted to Journal of Clinical Psychology
25 Nov 2024Submission Checks Completed
25 Nov 2024Assigned to Editor
26 Nov 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
28 Nov 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
05 Jan 2025Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
10 Jan 20251st Revision Received
15 Jan 2025Submission Checks Completed
15 Jan 2025Assigned to Editor
15 Jan 2025Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
30 Jan 2025Editorial Decision: Accept