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Silent Guardian : NodeMCU Revolutionizes Ambulance Transponding System
  • Manish Singh
Manish Singh

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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This is the project that criticize about the need of Ambulance. We all used ambulance whenever we are facing emergency health issue to get medical support in quick time. Despite the ambulance siren actively making emergency sound so that the cars would give way, the ambulance gets stuck. This is because people in the car are unaware of the ambulance siren due to closed windows or because they hear the siren sol late that there is no space to move the car. Another factor is that siren sound makes the patient and others more anxious contributing to increasing noise pollution. To solve this issue, we introduce a new ambulance system without siren sound. In this system all the ambulances will attach a transmitter and all the private and commercial vehicles will attach a receiver so that they can catch the signal transmitted by the ambulance. Our target is to initiate contact i.e., to send signal to a minimum range of 100 meter . This will help us to get quick response from a farther distance to move the cars away for the ambulance, also reducing sound pollution.