Despite extensive implementation of best management practices to mitigate external nutrient runoff, numerous New Hampshire lakes are continuing to experience diminished water quality, likely due to internal phosphorus loading (IPL). This remobilization of legacy nutrients can lead to more frequent and prolonged cyanobacteria blooms and exacerbate the process of eutrophication. This is the case for Lake Kanasatka, Moultonborough, NH, where IPL contributes to nearly 25% of its total phosphorus budget, with that percentage increasing towards 50% by the end of summer as the hypolimnion reaches anoxia, accelerating dissolutive release. Cyanobacteria blooms at Lake Kanasatka have become more prevalent in recent years, heightened around fall turnover when bioavailable phosphate is upwelled into the epilimnion, with blooms lasting up to 83 days. With Lake Kanasatka receiving an aluminum sulfate treatment in early 2024, we are compiling a comprehensive biogeochemical profile of the water column from April to October with a focus on the fractionation of phosphorus into its organic, inorganic, and reactive forms to understand how treatment affects the different forms and bioavailability of this critical nutrient. In addition, we are conducting a comparison to the interconnected upstream waterbody, Wakondah Pond, to better understand the influence of IPL on the efficacy of treatment, and establish if Wakondah Pond is a possible source of external nutrients. Wakondah Pond has exhibited similar seasonal patterns and serves as a control to compare the Lake Kanasatka post-treatment results against. Evaluating both waterbodies will provide broader insight on the water quality and biogeochemical dynamics of the watershed and determine what future management and conservation efforts are needed. With only two other New Hampshire lakes receiving an aluminum sulfate treatment since 1984, it is important to analyze seasonal trends in nutrient loading along with consistent monitoring to better understand the longevity of treatment and its impact on water quality.