Title pageCase ReportProlong embedded Earring at earlobe with erosive oral lichen planusKeywords: oral lichen planus,erosive lichen planus, embedded earringWord count :1151Figures: 3Author: Sutthinun Wichyanrat, MDInstitute: Division of dermatology, Department of medicine, Ramathibodi hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, ThailandCorresponding author: Sutthinun WichyanratEmail: [email protected] reportProlong embedded earring at earlobe with erosive oral lichen planusKey clinical message Embedded earring in adults is reported to be the causative of erosive lichen planus.Abstract Erosive lichen planus is rare and mostly cannot find the cause of this condition. Embedded earring at earlobe in adults also very rare. We accidentally remove the earring from earlobe and the condition of erosive oral lichen planus seem to improve gradually. Then we hypothesized that the embedded earring may be the factor inducing the erosive lichen planus in this case.Keywords : oral lichen planus, erosive lichen planus, embedded earringIntroduction : The causative of erosive lichen planus is usually unknown, although possible causes of oral lichen planus is immune-related, another factor such as stress and contact allergen have been report in the literatures. The most common contact allergen is metal in amalgam which may be irritate the buccal mucosa and cause oral lichenoid reaction. The distant metal outside the oral area may be the trigger of oral lichen planus, but have never been reported in the literature. We believe this case report may be the first case that the erosive lichen planus is improved after we found the foreign body material inside the earlobe and remove it.Case History and examinations : A 38-years-old Thai female have painful ulcer in upper, lower lip and lateral side of her tongue for 3 years. The physical examination was shown erythematous ulcerative ulcer at upper and lower lip mucosa, and erosive gingiva, and erythematous ulcer at lateral side of tongue.