Driving hazards encompass a range of factors, such as poor road conditions, weather, and human behavior. They represent a significant threat to the safety of individuals on the road and are very likely one of the leading causes of traffic accidents. These hazards exist alongside well-known risk factors like driving under the influence of drugs, extreme fatigue, drowsiness, and excessive speeding. Impaired driving, which includes behaviors such as drunk or drugged driving, has persistently plagued American roads for many years. It poses an ongoing risk, not only to the impaired driver but also to other road users and the surrounding infrastructure. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate specific forms of distractions that drivers encounter. These distractions encompass activities such as texting or using a mobile device, eating, conversing with passengers, and paying attention to advertising signs along the roadside. The research aims to understand how each of these distractions affects a driver's ability to operate a vehicle safely. In essence, this chapter delves into the various ways in which these distractions can compromise a driver's attention and, consequently, impact road safety