Mark Nessel

and 33 more

Animal stoichiometry influences critical processes from organismal physiology to biogeochemical cycles. However, it remains uncertain whether animal stoichiometry follows predictable scaling relationships with body mass and whether adaptation to terrestrial or aquatic environments constrains elemental allocation. We tested both interspecific and intraspecific body-mass scaling relationships for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and N:P content using a subset of the StoichLife database, which includes 9,933 individual animals across 1,543 species spanning 10 orders of magnitude in body mass from terrestrial, freshwater, and marine realms. Our results show that body mass predicts intraspecific stoichiometric variation, accounting for 42-45% of the variation in 27% of vertebrate and 35% of invertebrate species. However, body mass was less effective at explaining interspecific variation, with taxonomic identity emerging as a more significant factor. Differences between aquatic and terrestrial organisms were observed only in invertebrate interspecific %N, suggesting that realm has a relatively minor influence on elemental allocation. Our study, based on the most comprehensive animal stoichiometry database to date, revealed that while body mass is a good predictor of intraspecific elemental content, it is less effective for interspecific patterns. This highlights the importance of evolutionary history and taxonomic identity over general scaling laws in explaining stoichiometric variation.

Jori Marx

and 3 more

Global change drivers like warming and changing nutrient cycles have a substantial impact on ecosystem functioning. In most modelling studies, organism responses to warming are described through the temperature dependence of their biological rates. In nature, however, organisms are more than their biological rates. Plants are flexible in their elemental composition (stoichiometry) and respond to variance in nutrient availability and temperature. An increase in plant carbon-to-nutrient content means a decrease in food quality for herbivores. Herbivores can react to this decrease by compensatory feeding, which implies higher feeding rates and higher carbon excretion to optimize nutrient acquisition. In a novel model of a nutrient-plant-herbivore system, we explored the consequences of flexible stoichiometry and compensatory feeding for plant and herbivore biomass production and survival across gradients in temperature and nutrient availability. We found that flexible stoichiometry increases plant and herbivore biomasses, which results from increased food availability due to higher plant growth. Surprisingly, compensatory feeding decreased plant and herbivore biomasses as overfeeding by the herbivore reduced plants to low densities and depleted their resource. Across a temperature gradient, compensatory feeding caused herbivore extinction at a lower temperature, while flexible stoichiometry increased its extinction threshold. Our results suggest that compensatory feeding can become critical under warm conditions. In contrast, flexible stoichiometry is beneficial for plants up to a certain temperature threshold. These findings demonstrate the importance of accounting for adaptive and behavioural organismal responses to nutrient and temperature gradients when predicting the consequences of warming and eutrophication for population dynamics and survival.